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Results for search "Exercise: Baseball Or Softball".

Health News Results - 3

Baseball Puts Kids' Elbows at Risk, Study Shows

FRIDAY, DEC. 1, 2023 (Healthday News) -- Millions of American kids and teens love to play the game of baseball, but the sport can leave many with elbow pain and injuries, new research finds.

"When we look at the forces that baseball players, even Little League baseball players, deal with during routine practice and games, it becomes apparent why elbow injuries are so common amongst this g...

8/11 -- Race, Income Keeps Many Families From Letting Kids Play Sports

American kids who are poor or members of ethnic minority groups are missing out on the youth sports that have long been touted for building strong bodies and strong character, a new study reports.

It found that youngsters who are poor, or from Black or Hispanic households are less likely to take part in organized sports than their white peers.

Across the U.S., 54% of 6- to 17-year-o...

Keep Your Kids Safe From COVID While Playing Sports

COVID-19 shouldn't keep budding athletes on the sidelines. But it's critical to keep them safe from the coronavirus while playing sports.

The National Athletic Trainers' Association has some timely tips.

COVID vaccines for those 12 and older have been a game changer for many families. Being fully vaccinated can make returning to sports safer, the association said.

But for kids...