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Results for search "Mind / Body Connection".

Health News Results - 24

Renters May Age Faster Than Homeowners, Study Finds

Renting a home, rather than owning it outright, may speed up the body's aging process, a new study suggests.

Researchers found that when compared with people who owned their home outright (no mortgage), those who rented showed signs of faster "biological aging" -- which meant their body cells and tissues were a bit "older."

On average, the impact was equivalent to just a small fract...

Wegovy, Ozempic Help Folks Lose Weight, But How?

As many doctors and patients hail the advent of weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy as the perfect fix for obesity, some experts are urging caution.

The drugs are not well-tolerated by everyone struggling with obesity. For some folks, the weight piles back on as soon as the medication stops. There are also financial and ethical considerations, according to a commentary published onl...

Music Lovers' Physiology 'Synchronizes' at Classical Music Concerts

New research suggests that concert goers may synchronize their breathing and more as they listen to the intricacies of a classical symphony performance.

Previous studies have shown that music may be able to induce synchronization in listeners, but the authors of this study said there has been little investigation into whether concert audiences actually become synchronized.

This new ...

Strike a Pose: Yoga Helps Heart Failure Patients

Heart failure can make everyday activities and exercise tough to carry out, but yoga might be a beneficial add-on to standard care.

A new study from India finds this ancient practice improves quality of life and cardio functioning.

"Our patients observed improvement in systolic blood pressure and heart rate compared to patients who were on medication without yoga,"said lead stu...

Yoga Might Do Wonders for Women's Aging Brains

Yoga is known for its benefits to both the mind and body. And a gentle form of yoga may be an ideal early intervention technique for older women at risk of Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests.

In a small study involving kundalini yoga, participants reported that its stress-relieving effects translated to more efficient memory.

"Women tend to practice yoga more readily t...

Stressed? Depressed? Mindfulness Training Could Offer Long-Term Relief

The centuries-old practice of mindfulness is having a moment in present times, and a new study finds the therapy can improve mental health for at least six months.

Analyzing the results of 13 prior studies, U.K. researchers concluded that in-person, teacher-led mindfulness courses were tied to reduced stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness "was the seventh step of the Noble Eightfold...

Aim to Live Happier This Summer. Here's How

It might seem like sunshine, vacation and time spent with family and friends will bring you happiness this summer.

But sometimes it takes a little more effort, said Lina Begdache, an associate professor of health and wellness studies at Binghamton University, State University of N...

Mind May Hold Clues to Your Risk of Long COVID

In trying to untangle the mysteries of long COVID, researchers have found anxiety and depression may play a role for some of those with the lingering condition.

In the study from researchers at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), patients who perceived that they had thinking difficulties during COVID infection were also more likely to have lingering physical symptoms than those...

Mindfulness Approach Helps Ease the Stress of Parenting a Child With Autism

"Mindfulness" practices may help parents of young children with autism manage their daily stressors, and it could benefit their kids in the process, a preliminary study suggests.

Parenting is stressful, and studies show that parents of kids with autism often have particularly high stress levels.

Autism is a developmental brain disorder that, to varying degrees, impairs communication...

Mind-Reading Technology Can Turn Brain Scans Into Language

A mind-reading device seems like science fiction, but researchers say they're firmly on the path to building one.

Using functional MRI (fMRI), a newly developed brain-computer interface can read a person's thoughts and translate them into full sentences, according to a report publish...

How Does Stress Affect the Body?

Figuring out how stress affects your body can be a challenge, because the answer can depend on how stressed out you are, and for how long.

For instance, recent research has shown that low-to-moderate stress levels may actually be good for your ability to learn and apply knowledge. High st...

Healthy Relationships Could Bring Healthier Bodies, Study Shows

Close relationships -- and whether your experiences within those relationships are positive or negative -- could influence your physical health.

New research found that the way you feel about your close relationships may affect the way your body functions.

"Both positive and negative experiences in our relationships contribute to our daily stress, coping and physiology, like blood p...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Takes Big Toll on Mental Health

When Dr. Yezaz Ghouri sees patients with the cramping, abdominal pain and diarrhea that are hallmark symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), he'll typically ask how life's going.

More often than not, his patients say they are experiencing stress in their lives.

Now, Ghouri's team has establishe...

In Tibetan Monk Study, Hints That Meditating Can Alter Gut Microbes

Meditation might help a person's gut health -- but it takes a lot of meditation over a long time.

Tibetan Buddhist monks appear to have gut microbes that differ substantially from others living near them, a new study reports.

Those differences have previously been linked to a lower ri...

Exercise, Mindfulness May Not Boost Seniors' Thinking, Memory

Exercise and mindfulness are known for their health benefits, but a new study found that didn't extend to boosting memory or thinking skills in healthy seniors.

That doesn't mean these activities wouldn't be beneficial for memory if practiced for a longer period of time or in adults with impairments, the researchers noted, just that there were not apparent benefits during the study.


Tips for 'Stomaching' the Holidays If You Have IBS

Stress affects gut health and intensifies pain, which -- for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) -- can make traveling to see family during the holiday season excruciating.

"People living with IBS often say the holidays are especially stressful, above and beyond the typical holiday stress most people report having," said

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 24, 2022
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  • Full Page
  • Take the Mindful Way to Lower Blood Pressure

    Mindfulness is a centuries-old practice that's become trendy in recent years -- and a new study now says it can help your heart health.

    Training in mindfulness can help people better manage their high blood pressure by helping them stick to healthy lifestyle changes, a new clinical trial reports.

    An eight-week customized mindfulness program helped people lower their systolic blood p...

    Yoga, Mindfulness Could Be Powerful Tools to Manage Blood Sugar

    Yoga, meditation and other mindfulness practices may help people with type 2 diabetes lower their blood sugar -- nearly to the degree that standard medications like metformin do, a new analysis suggests.

    That does not mean people should swap their medication for

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 5, 2022
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  • Full Page
  • Alternative Medicine Popular Among Seniors, But Most Don't Tell Their Doctors About It

    Lots of older folks are turning to alternative medicine to help them with the pains of aging -- but they don't necessarily think that's any of their doctor's business.

    About 40% of older adults use at least one alternative medicine practice to help w...

    U.K. School Studies Find No Benefit of Mindfulness for Kids' Mental Health

    As rates of teenage anxiety and depression climb in the United States, parents and teachers are rushing to solve the mental health crisis.

    Some have proposed mindfulness training in schools as a therapeutic tool, but a review of studies out of the United Kingdom indicates it may be time to consid...

    Can Mindfulness Really Change Your Brain?

    Meditation and other mindfulness practices may improve your attention, but they won't lead to structural changes in your brain in the short-term, according to a new study.

    Previous studies have shown that learning new skills, aerobic exercise and balance training could trigger changes in the brain, and some research has suggested that mindfulness regimens could do the same.

    To find ...

    Could Meditation Strengthen Your Immune System?

    Meditation done at an intense level may bring a significant boost to the inner workings of your immune system.

    The finding follows a blood sample analysis that took pre- and post-meditation snapshots of genetic activity among more than 100 men and women.

    That analysis suggested that

    As Holidays Return to Normal, Here's How to De-Stress

    A return to a more normal holiday season may also mean higher stress levels, so an expert offers some coping tips.

    Don't get too focused on buying the perfect presents, making the best dinner or planning the perfect party. Try to be mindful of pleasant things and moments, suggested Jennifer Wegmann, a health and wellness studies lecturer at Binghamton University, State University of New Y...

    Mindfulness Can Boost Your Mindset After Cardiac Arrest

    Shining a light on the powerful link between the mind and body, a new study suggests that cardiac arrest survivors who learn to focus their thoughts on the here and now during recovery are less likely to become depressed or anxious.

    The finding centers on a mental health practice known as "mindfulness," which amounts to a sort of stop-and-smell-the-roses approach to life.
